
Book Chapters

Miller, E.M., Carr, J.M., & Martin, J.M., (2022) Development of children with superior cognitive abilities. In J.L. Roberts, T.F. Inman, & J.H. Robins (Eds.), Introduction to gifted education (2nd ed). Routledge. 

Martin, J.M.  (2018). Digital internships: Enriching teaching and learning with primary resources. In E. Ortlieb, & E. H. Cheek, Jr., & P. Semingson (Eds.), Best Practices in Teaching Digital Literacies: Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation (Vol. 9, pp. 109-121). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Martin, J.M., Trupe, A., Horst, P., Biviano, A., Guard, C., & Estes, K. (2014). Braided essay and book trailer lesson plan. In R. Miller, H. Moorefield-Lang & C. Meier (Eds.), Tablet Computers in School Libraries and Classrooms. American Library Association.

Peer-reviewed journal articles and lesson plans

Bergeron, H. M. and Martin, J. M. (2024) “Take a risk: A review of Expanding Literacy,” Virginia English Journal: 72(1), Article 8. Available at:

Lewis, M.A., Alves, K., Colwell, J., & Martin, J.M. (2021). Supporting comprehension and literacy at the secondary level. A research brief for the Virginia Department of Education. 

Martin, J.M. (2020). Voice and new literacies: Student perceptions of writing instruction in a secondary English classroom. Teaching /Writing: The Journal of Teaching Writing Education, 8(1), 128-154.

Lehman, B.L., Martin, J.M., & Rogers, K.S. (2019). Relational response: Preservice teachers providing writing feedback in three middle school partnershipsThe Teacher Educator’s Journal, 12, 5-24.  

Lehman, B.L. & Martin, J.M. (2018). Learning In between: Partnerships as sites of discovery. Virginia English Journal, 68(1), 4-15.  

Dredger, K., Nobles, S., & Martin J.M. (2017). Digital poetry practicum: Preservice English language arts teachers’ dispositions of new literacies. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 18(1), 157-203.

Martin, J.M., Morris, S.L. (2017). Teaching composition together: Democracy, perceptions, and new literacies. International Journal for the Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning, 1(2), 18-34.

Trupe, A.L. & Martin, J.M. (2016). Revisiting the writing process: The teacher-writer in the workshopVirginia English Journal, 66(1), 48-62.  

Trupe, A.L. & Martin, J.M. (2015). Using Writing to Learn. Virginia Department of Education, [Presentation slides and 8 handouts]. Retrieved from VDOE website (see Staunton tab).

Dredger, K.S., Horst, P.H., Martin, J., & Williams, M.S. (2014). Harnessing the participatory nature of adolescents today: New literacies and young adult literature. Educational Practice and Reform. 

Martin, J.M. (2014). The braided essay and YA lit: Deepening thematic understandingsReading in Virginia.

Asselin, S., Bhandari, N.A., MacDonald, B.L., Martin, J.M., Turner, W. Modena, A., Simmons, J.M., Chang, R.R. (2013) Valuing a one-Credit course through the lens of doctoral students. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.